Parenting WELL through the youth sports journey is not only measured by the accomplishments our kids realize but also by the health of family relationships along the way.
Here Clay Townsend—dad of three successful boys—shares his parenting insights. Two of his sons have gone on to play in the NFL and he and David look back at the intentional activities that impacted their skill development and the culture they fostered in their home.
Show Notes
(2:43) It all started with a dream…
(3:50) The argument for exploring multiple sports…
(4:45) What is physical literacy?
(7:45) Were you a hands-on or hands-off sports dad?
(10:15) What is the key ingredient for sports longevity?
(12:15) A confession of anxiety…
(15:40) “We have gone out of our way to not talk about games… it’s not life, it’s just one of the things in life.”—Clay Townsend
(20:05) Lessons as a sports dad…the commitment to a team and service to a community…
(23:35) A call to mentor our own kids as well as others…